Welcome to my betwitching kitchen,
which is always the center of activity
any time of year.
I made this new serving board in black
this year. I love having a board that
can gather all of the decor or food.
My son made my white and gold one
that is usually on the kitchen counter.
He had made my daughter a brown one.
But later he made her one like mine so
the brown one went in storage.
I had a little piece of wood that
I was going to throw out, I thought I
should paint it black and rough it up.
Well it worked so well, that then I
called her and told her to bring her
brown board over and we painted it
black. Hers was nicer because it had
nice finished edges, but I decided
to go to Home Depot and buy an
8x10 board and paint it and sand
it and voila!!!! I love it!
($14 for the board!)
This banner over my hood I have had
for a few years. I got it at a boutique.
But the black pumpkin pot is new
this year from Home Goods.
I fell in love with it and three of them
leapt into my cart. That is a dangerous
store with leaping merchandise.
My son and daughter in law gifted me this
Disney castle made from a 3D printer.
The plastic poison apple mugs are
from visiting Disneyland at Halloween.
I just love Disneyland at Halloween.
We are headed there tomorrow!!
On the other side of my kitchen is
where Beaulah likes to hang out.
She perches by the pizza oven waiting
for a party.
A little black garland, some orange
feathers and creepy eyeball wreaths
(from Target last year or the year before)
complete the mantel of the pizza oven.
Stop in and have a Halloween treat
with Beaulah and I any time.

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