Friday, September 1, 2023

Tales of the Traveling Tote #36 and A Giveaway

Welcome to our September 2023
edition of 
Tales of the Traveling Tote.  

Here at Purple Chocolat Home 
the summer has been consumed 
with building our new home 
(now into it 20 months!)
and trying to go through 33 years 
of too much stuff! 

It is mind boggling and we 
are so sentimental that 
we want to bring most 
everything with us! 

Well, not really, but way too 
much! We have already done 16 
Suburban loads to thrift stores 
and tons of trash can loads, 
but between entertaining, costumes, 
tablescaping and decorating, 
we have so much to sort through.

I am so busy I haven't blogged or 
even read emails.  I searched my 
emails the other night and discovered I 
was to create the sidebar for 
Tales of the Traveling Tote 
for December!  Good thing I 

Well, then I couldn't find my 
tote and wondered if I had 
left it on my last trip.  I was 
wondering if I would be kicked 
out of the group if I couldn't 
find it - a bit of a panic!  

After searching everywhere I 
could think of - and mind you, 
it isn't a small item - I thought 
of my purses which were already 
packed up in five boxes.  

Lucky me, it was at the top of 
the first box I checked!

I thought I might have left it 
on the houseboat down at 
Lake Powell, and since we are 
done for the year, it would have 
been until next May before I 
would be able to check. 
Good thing I found it!!!!!!

We were able to sneak away for three 
Lake Powell trips this year so that is 
where Miss Madi K and I were able 
to go.  

Miss Pansy got to travel along 
too as she makes a nice bag 
for boating. 

We invited two families from our 
neighborhood for the August trip. 

We had ten kids and 6 adults.  
One of our favorite games we 
play with kids is 
The Candy Bar Game. 

The basic idea of the game is 
you place 3-4 packages or pieces 
of candy in the center.  Everyone
takes turns rolling the dice inside 
a bowl.  If you roll doubles or 
7 or 11, you get to pick a candy bar,
announce what you picked and 
then hide it behind your back 
or under a pillow.  People can steal 
it from you if they win a turn, but 
they have to remember what it was
and who had it.  After three 
possessions it is permanent.  
When the last piece leaves the 
table, the game is over. 
Oh, and if the dice fall out 
of the bowl you skip your turn, 
and if you don't pick your 
prize before the next winner, 
you miss your turn! Lots of fun.

Well, we had one darling boy 
who is 8 years old and he gets 
seizures if he eats sugar, so I 
had to come up with a 
new plan.  I decided on the 
Dollar Store Game. 

We decided it was even more fun 
than just candy.  Everyone had a 
blast and we didn't tempt him.

Miss Madi K helped carry all of 
the prizes down and keep them a 

Of course, sugary desserts are a 
huge part of our Lake Powell 
experience, like this chocolate chip 
Pizookie, or Skookie, with homemade 
ice cream and homemade hot fudge.

So I found a Pillsbury Sugar Free 
Brownie mix and sugar free 
chocolate chips at the grocery store, 
and I made him sugar free vanilla 
ice cream using powdered Swerve.  

He was such a happy guy!  
His mom had said she would 
go without sugar with him, 
but at 8, how hard is that, so 
I had fun experimenting.  I even 
made his hot fudge with 1 T. 
sugar free chocolate chips 
melted with 1 T. cream. 

I think besides the Dollar Store 
game one of the kids' biggest 
surprises was that I got on the 
water rockets to battle it out!!
(My favorite thing to do at 
Lake Powell!)

Our final night was a 
Copacabana Party, 
where everyone dressed up 
for dinner in tropical clothing.

Summer fun is over, but 
we were glad to get away, and 
the best thing was, the builders 
kept working while we were 
gone each time. 

When I get time I will post 
our Lake Powell menus.  I 
just ran into someone the 
other day who requested I 
keep posting those.  We love 
to eat, so food is a big part 
of our Lake Powell experience.

Now for the fun giveaway.  
I am hosting this month, 
so leave me a message and the 
winner will be chosen randomly 
on September 8th. 
Include your contact information 
if you don't have a blog so you 
can be notified.  

Ooh, this is such a fun, fun prize.

Visit our other fabulous 
travelers and see where they 
have been off to.

 Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch

 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box  

Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home (you are here)

Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader


Chocolat - French for Chocolate. I adored chocolate from a young age when I had to sneak in the cupboard to find where my mother had hidden the Nestle's Chocolate Chips. Having read about the famous chocolat shoppes in Paris, when I finally got there I was determined to try a chocolate from every Paris shoppe. I invite you to share my adventures in creating, in travel, and in life.


  1. I'm happy you found Miss Madi K, lol! Packing is so stressful. Lucky you for going on three trips to Lake Powell! I think the candy bar game sounds like loads of fun. BTW I think your Miss Pansy tote is so you. She coordinates nicely with the beauty of Lake Powell! I hope that the rest of your packing goes smoothly, My Friend. Happy fall!

  2. Jackie, I can certainly relate to packing things up and then wondering where! Glad you found the totes, but never fear, you will always be a valuable part of this group! I have to say again, you are the kindness, most thoughtful and generous friend. I love that you invited your neighbors and families to enjoy Lake Powell. May I suggest a cruise for the TT group some time. Ha! Ha!
    Thanks for taking the time to write this post and share. Love you, dear friend!

  3. Oh goodness Jackie, I can't imagine going through all that stuff and packing up! I know Emily is still getting organized after her move last glad you found your tote, yikes! Aren't you amazing to invite those families to Lake Powell and boat with you. The Dollar Store game sounds like great entertainment and how sweet to go the extra mile and make sugar free treats for the child who can't have sugar! I can't wait to hear more and see your new house, very exciting! Take care and don't work to hard...Happy September!

  4. LOL, I am happy you easily found Miss Madi K!!! Nope, never kicked out either! I have been going through the same think Jackie, moving! A monster move too. Loads to thrift shop. I know it's hard but at least you were able to break away for getaways, much needed too I'm sure. I'm sure time with family and friends takes your mind off the move if only for a little while. Looks like loads of fun, especially with the kiddos. Great pics of all. Happy September Jackie......

  5. In the last two years my younger siblings and I have been going thru what at one time was 3-4 storage units. The house we grew up in --the foundation fell and well it was not livable. We had to get everything out of the house before it was torn down. Storage units. My parents were older, and they did not want to go thru the household items and other things so when my mom passed a two years ago (our dad passed a bit under 6 yrs ago) so started the unpacking of the storage units. We have it down to one medium sized unit now. We will get it so that there are none left. Things have been going to consignment and to donation locations or as gifts or if not usable--tossed. it was 60 yrs of marriage for my parents and 7 kids.
    Hope that your packing and unpacking go well. Hope September brings happiness to you and yours.

  6. Jackie, what a funny story about the tote! How thoughtful that you invited your neighbors and families to enjoy Lake Powell. You and your hubby are the entertaining queen and king! I've always wanted to visit Lake Powell, and we are finally going to visit in mid-September when we do our National Parks trip. Hope your new home is perfect for you.

  7. Wow - thats a lot of kids - they must have had so much fun!! The game also was very clever! I would also love to see your menus from the trip! Moving can be a challenge, but what a perfect way to clean out! Can't wait to see your new home! Will you be moving in soon?

  8. Loads of fun with the neighborhood kids. The candy game sounds like a blast! Lake Powell must be so nice to get away. Looking forward to your menus from your trips. I don't envy you packing up and sorting. Years and years of accumulation. I am excited to see your new home. Happy Labor Day weekend.

  9. It's amazing where the traveling totes may go...some at home, and some away...hopefully always where the fun is!

  10. I am so glad you found Miss Maddie K! The candy bar game looks and sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to play it with the kids! Thank you for the idea and for sharing all of the fun on your trip!

  11. Jacqueline, oh boy, those totes & boxes, and not being able to find things were triggers for me! Moving is no joke, and the stress of going through 30+ years of stuff is daunting. So glad you could get away to Lake Powell, and it certainly appears to have recovered from last year's drought. Those families had to have had the time of their lives with you two as hosts. How very thoughtful of you to experiment for the 8 yo and for him to enjoy the treats too. Love that game idea! Sounds like a blast.
    Best wishes for a smooth transition as you make the final move into your new home. Can't wait to see more about that.

  12. Moving and packing is a real challenge - especially when you need to find something that is already packed! How sweet of you to create a sugar-free dessert for that little boy. It sure looks like it was a hit!


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