Saturday, June 1, 2024

Tales of the Traveling Tote #39 and a Giveaway

Welcome to our June 2024 edition 
of Tales of the Traveling Tote.  

We started off in Cabo for the 
solar eclipse on April 8th.  It 
was almost a total eclipse.

Miss Petit Four was vacationing 
in Cabo with us and was lucky 
enough to experience the eclipse.  

The pull of the moon affects the 
tides, and with the eclipse happening, 
the beach was completely gone and 
the water was up in the chairs 
at the restaurant we went to. 

The Office is our favorite 
spot for breakfast and we 
went there 
that morning. I 
happened to bring my package 
of ten eclipse glasses with me 
and shared them with the 
waiters!  They were so excited.

Then we went back to the house
to view the full eclipse.  

The next day I got to meet 
Linda Primmer, who was one 
of the ladies who invited me 
into the Tales of the Traveling Tote 
group!  This was the first lady of 
our group that I got to meet in 
person. It was such a thrill for me, 
that I got emotional when I 
first saw Linda. 

 Linda and I have always 
called ourselves "Soul Sister", 
because we love the same style.  

We met up with them at their 
resort and when we went to the 
desk, the person there asked if 
we were sisters!!!  We LOVED that!!!

After touring their resort, we went back 
to our home and took a tour of it.  

Then the four of us headed 
to the Waldorf Astoria 
for dinner to celebrate 
Linda and Paul's 25th 
wedding anniversary.  

Our totes were so happy to be 
there to celebrate with them.

The resort happened to have fireworks
that night right behind our backs, 
and even the waiter teased us 
that the fireworks were just to 
celebrate their anniversary. 

After a delicious dinner of 
watermelon salad, empanadas, 
and lobster they were treated 
to a delicious dessert.  
Linda and Paul were so charming 
and lovely.  We had such a great time 
meeting them and celebrating 
with them.  

We were home a week and then 
off to San Antonio to visit my 
sister Jean.  

I had loved seeing Sarah Anderson's
pictures of the shakes she enjoys, 
so I contacted her and asked if 
they had a place in San Antonio.  
They didn't, but she invited us to 
come to Austen and visit her.  

On our way, I told my sister and 
her husband I had to stop at the 
famous Buc'ees 
gas station/destination stop 
for their BBQ sandwich.  Honestyly, 
it is the best BBQ beef sandwich 
I have ever had and I have craved 
it since I had one a few years ago. 

What a month I had, now I was 
meeting in person the other lovely 
lady who encouraged me to join 
the Tales of the Traveling Tote 
group.  I was over the moon to 
meet both of them in two weeks!!! 

Sarah is such a delightful lady 
and we loved visiting her in 
her gorgeous home.  

This is my favorite picture that 
I snapped of her.  She is so elegant 
and fabulous and this picture could 
be in a magazine.  

Her home could be a museum for 
MacKenzie-Childs!!!  Everywhere 
you look is another fabulous MC 
item from furniture to lamps to 

She even has a MC bathroom!!!

And her backyard is gorgeous 
too.  She is situated in such a 
pretty neighborhood with 
lovely homes.  

Miss Madi K and I had the best 
time getting to know Sarah in person. 

Truly these two weeks were dreams 
come true getting to finally meet 
two of the loveliest ladies, and 
especially since they were the two 
who invited me into the group and 
found a bag online for me so 
that I could be a part of this group. 
Thanks darling ladies.  Now I have 
a few more ladies to get to meet - 
on my bucket list!!

We are finally getting settled 
into our new home, and I will 
start posting that soon.  Whew! 
It has been a project.  

On to your favorite part and that 
is our giveaway!  We have another 
fun tote as a giveaway this time.  

Visit Emily to enter for the tote.

Pop on in and visit all of the 
other ladies in our fun group 
to see where their totes were off to.  

 Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch

 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box  

Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home (you are here)

Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader

Friday, March 1, 2024

Tales of the Traveling Totes #38 and A Giveaway

Welcome to our 38th edition 
of Tales of The Traveling Tote, 
where our MacKenzie-Childs 
totes take you to all kinds of 
places and on all kinds of adventures.

We spent most of January and 
most of February in Cabo, again, 
so Miss Petit Four, who stays 
down in Cabo, and I will bring 
you along with us, 

Where the weather is amazing 
this time of year and the sunrises 
and sunsets are spectacular.  

Miss Petit Four and I did a little
refreshing of our flowers in 
the kitchen as they had yellowed 
with time. 

We spent New Years by ourselves 
as we watched fireworks from 
all sides coming from resorts 
and private homes. 

We enjoyed a lot of good food 
together like this shrimp molcajete,
from one of our favorite Mexican 
restaurants, Guacamayas,
before our guests arrived. 

We entertained three separate 
groups, the first one was our 
oldest daughter and her family 
and one of her brother in law's 

With this many teenage mouths 
to feed I made three batches of 
ice cream a day to treat them.  
This was a chocolate Oreo.  
I brought down an ice cream 
machine in my biggest suitcase 
and it gets used and used. 
Click here to see the ice cream 
machine I am in love with.
We have one at home and in 
Cabo and at Lake Powell.  They 
have more than paid for themselves. 

One of our grandsons caught this 
big Dorado.  He brought the meat 
home and we made fish tacos and 
fish in a lemon sauce.  It was fun 
to see the kids want to eat it.  
We were able to freeze the rest 
and bring it home for him. 

They spent most of the day in 
the pool and a lot of time at 
the swim up bar. 

We celebrated my birthday at 
The Montage Resort at Marea 
with a cold seafood tower and 
the best lobster I have ever had. 

Our next group of friends 
arrived a few days after my birthday 
and we were off to breakfast at 
one of our favorite places, The Office. 

The Office is where you can 
take your shoes off and run 
your toes through the sand.  
Miss Petit Four got to come 
along, carrying my beach 

She also got to come onboard 
while I played photographer 
for one of the couples that 
wanted to parasail. 

We had dolphins swimming 
in the pool, 

and whales breaching!  
These guys are a lot of fun! 

Why not celebrate all month 
when you are born in January?!!

Our architect and his wife arrived 
the next week on her birthday.  
We celebrated by going to a couple 
of her favorite restaurants for two 
days and also going to the spa 
at Villa La Estancia resort.

Lucky Miss Petit Four got to come 
along too.  Even though it wasn't 
our architect's birthday, we gifted 
him some lobster sandals, 
since he loves lobster as much 
as we do.  His wife, the birthday 
girl, doesn't like seafood at all. 

Happy Valentine's Day and hubby 
gifted all of the rest of the 
incoming guests with heart shaped 
sunglasses and chocolates.

We ate Valentine's Dinner at 
one of our favorite Italian 
restaurants in Cabo, La Dolce. 

The women held their roses 
from hubby and wore the 
pajamas I had gifted them 
at Christmas. 

Meanwhile back in Utah, 
our oldest granddaughter 
opened her mission call for 
our church, The Church of Jesus 
Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 
She is leaving in June for 
Lima, Peru!  She will serve for 
18 months and will pay her own 
way.  She is posing here with 
her siblings and parents.  They 
were the family that were our first 
group of guests here in January. 

Our last couple joined us on 
two days later.  They are the 
couple on the left.  We attended 
Church on Sunday and experimented 
with Google Translate.  I took 7 years 
of Spanish, but have forgotten so 
much over the years.  I can speak 
enough to get us around, but 
listening to talks at church is a 
little harder.  We had great success 
with Google Translate.

We had fun every morning 
walking through the neighborhood, 
which is all hills.  One morning I 
even took them downtown, which 
is downhill all the way, but then 
uphill going back.  They all made it!

Half of us went up to 
Los Cerritos surf beach 
one day, and then while 
the most avid boogie boarders 
stayed at the beach, we went 
on to Todos Santos to the 
Hotel California.

It is a beautiful restaurant, and 
not associated with the famous 
song, but worth the drive 
for these massive nachos.

We always have to take our 
iconic photo in the pool 
with the ocean behind.

Although we entertained 
three groups and had a lot of 
fun, January and February 
had five funerals of close 
friends and family.  We were 
able to attend most of them.  
Our hearts were heavy for 
those who lost their loved ones. 

So glad Miss Petit Four and I 
could entertain you too.  
We always have lots of fun 
visitors for our 
Tales of the Traveling Tote 
posts. Now for our giveaway: 

Please visit Debbie 
and leave a comment 
to win this To Go Tote - 
how cute is this?  

And then visit our other 
Travelers to see where 
they have been off to this 

 Debbie with Miss Aurora @ Mountain Breaths 

Emily with Miss Courtney ChildsThe French Hutch

 Patti with Miss Kenzie @ Pandora's Box  

Jenna with Miss Coquille @The Painted Apron

Linda P with Miss Lola @ Life and Linda

Rita with Miss Luna C Panoply 

Sarah with Miss Merri Mac @ Hyacinths for the Soul

Jackie and Miss Madi K @ Purple Chocolat Home (you are here)

Ricki Jill and Countess De Monet @ The Sketchy Reader

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