Friday, April 26, 2013

Baby Gate Slipcover

A stone staircase is wonderful 
but with two babies now old enough
to be crawling around
Purple Chocolat Home
we need to protect the little ones from falling
down the stairs.

These are the stairs leading to the basement 
from the kitchen so the babies are 
always in this room.

These stairs don't work for any baby gates -
they are too wide so  
 this has been our solution.
We got the widest gate we could
find and used bungees to hold it
in place.


It doesn't really go with the decor.

I had one of those moments the other day
- why not make a slipcover for the hideous baby gate -
and I went upstairs and found this wonderful
script fabric I had purchased  at
Hobby Lobby for pillows.

I just cut it to size - folding over the gate at the top
and returning down the back.  Then I finished
the edges and added ties.

Now that looks like it fits in my home
while keeping the little ones safe.
(The best part was that hubby came home,
noticed it, commented on it and loved it!)

I will post this with


  1. Brilliant..
    I am past that stage..but we had the unadorned one..
    You should market these.Truly.
    You are creative..
    That fabric is gorgeous.

  2. This was a beautiful idea! Great work.

  3. That is a marvelous solution. Good for you!

  4. I second all the above; brilliant idea and you should market them, seriously!

  5. Looks like you came up with a great solution-very nice:@)

  6. These are beautiful, that fabric is lovely. xo

  7. Looks great! I have plans for my grandbaby gate but yours is much cuter!
    My grand will be walking when she gets here though so i dont know how helpful it will be. I love it!

  8. What a great idea ;) love it....


  9. A great idea, and it looks very nice. One would never guess what was underneath.

  10. Well now, that's just about brilliant! I'm with you, hate the baby gates and I never seem to have or can find the size I need, but your fabulous idea opens up lots of possibilities! I have seen them fashioned out of PVC pipe! Love the fabric, and kuddos that your hubs noticed, that is big!!

  11. What a clever idea! It not only have a purpose, but it is so pretty. It goes well with your beautiful Tuscan decor. You might have stumbled upon a marketing idea....

  12. Oh wow.....Super cute idea! I love this!

  13. Two VERY enthusiastic thumbs up!!! What a great idea!!!!!

  14. What a beautiful, creative way to cover up an eyesore. ;)

  15. What a brilliant idea! We have stairs leading to the basement right outside of our kitchen also but we kept the custom made gate that the former owners left attached to the landing so never had to get one of those awful-looking plastic ones.

    The fabric is really beautiful too. I wish we had a Hobby Lobby here!

  16. Great idea, and such a wonderful slipcover! :-)

  17. Gorgeous Fabric and impeccable sewing! It goes perfectly in your home! I am going to check our Hobby Lobby and see if they still have some of it here!


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