Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chocolate Chocolate Tablescape - Food for Thought

Chocolate Chocolate
The True Story of Two Sisters,
 Tons of Treats
and The Little Shop That Could

Now if there is a book that gets your chocolate
tastebuds flaring (and how appropriate right after
Valentine's Day) it is this charming story of 
broken dreams in life in Korea followed by
 the American dream come true.

Chocolate Chocolate is written by
Frances Park and Ginger Park and tells 
their true story of their dream of owning
a chocolate shop.

Remember the movie Chocolat how you felt
like they should have handed out fine chocolates
at the door of the theater for you to nibble on
while you watch?  Well, this book is the same!

You had better surround yourself with chocolates
as you eat, I mean read, your way through this
book.  You cannot imagine the sumptuous 
descriptions of chocolates that these women
give in this book.  Your mouth will be watering
from beginning to end.

If I had to pick one image from the book that is burned
into my mind it would be that of their mother munching on
Hershey bars and their father returning from a trip with a
suitcase filled with Lindt candy bars.  I decided to combine
the two images for my table with a centerpiece of a
stylized suitcase filled with Hershey bars.

Their mother was a woman of wealth in Korea
before war broke out there.  Here was a woman
who was used to having servants and now she
was on the streets alone trying to survive.  

"Even with money in her pocket and a floor to
sleep on, Mom was no better off than a beggar....One
day she passed a small market,
  its shelves nearly empty except for...Was she hallucinating
from hunger:  Before her was a tantalizing mirage, a
barrel filled with the biggest chocolate bars she
had ever seen.  Brown wrappers,  English lettering.
....Black-market chocolate.  What could possibly be more
delicious?  Mom emptied her pockets without a second thought.
That night, as American B-52s dropped bombs over Seoul, 
...Mom hid under a thick burlap blanket with her
Hershey bars.  She comforted herself with a vow: "If I 
must die, I will die with chocolate on my lips!"

"During our childhoods, Mom always wore a brave face.  
Sometimes we would hear her quietly weeping behind walls, 
or see her face contorting with emotion....
As kids, we had no idea that the sudden
yank from her idyllic childhood had set a  reclusive tone for
the rest of her life, or that she worried every day over the fate of her
mother, or that her Third Brother, her most beloved and most
doting, was killed the night she nibbled on an American
chocolate bar to the echoing sounds of bombs close by.
We understood only that she stashed family -sized Hersey
bars in our big egg-yolk-colored fridge, deep inside...the
chocolate bars in the brown wrappers were forbidden to us -
they were hers and hers alone."

I believe in having an emergency supply of food
and we have always joked that we will barter our
chocolate for valuables!  Reading this book made
me realize how much I would want a supply of
chocolate on hand just as Mom did.

The girls dream of owning their own chocolate
shop and the book takes you through their
trials and tribulations of trying to work with
contractors in Washington DC where they
opened shop.  

"Chocolate was our comfort food, and we spent our days
munching away on Hershey Kisses wondering whether
we should go into business together, invest in a new life with the
small inheritance Dad left us."

You come to know their customers, their quirkiness,
their tastes, their lives and the influence they had 
on these struggling entrepreneurs.

Frances Park is on the left and Ginger Park is
on the right.  They have also written many other
books but this one focuses on their story.

You can check them out on their official website
(Both of the above photos come from their website.)

My tablescape today is Chocolate Chocolate
in honor of their book.

Let me begin by listing some of the chapters of their
mouthwatering book:

Baci Kiss
Half-Moon Buttercream Dream
Chocolate Heart, Foiled
milk Chocolate Mousse Dream
Monster Mint Patty
Lemon Heaven
(and those are only a few of the chapters.)

It is also a story of romance and love
as you follow Frances and Ginger 
through dating, broken loves and marriage.

If this table tantalized your tastebuds for
"Edible Books"
visit Jain at
to see her review of this book and 
ask her to email you the list of books
Food For Thought will be covering this
year.  Join in on the fun.

And as a true story of sisterly bonds, I have to point
out that these beautiful "purple" Royal Crown goblets
were a gift from my sister Jean.  She saw them and
thought of me.  They are so gorgeous and look purple
in some light and pink in other light.

The book ends with their recipe for their
House Truffle which they created.  Of course
I have highlighted it on my Ipad and plan to give 
it a try.

Their final line in the book is 

"Long Live Chocolate."

I hope you enjoyed Chocolate Chocolate
with me today. 
start your mouth watering.

I will be posting this with 


  1. Oh my ~ this book sounds divine! Thanks so much for sharing the photos and the clips. Your table is just gorgeous, as usual! LOVE the Chocolate plates ~ I'm not a candy person, can you believe that? Honestly, I could go the rest of my life and never even think of it. I wish that cakes, pies, cookies, etc. were the same!

    Have a beautiful, chocolate filled rest of the week.


  2. I just read a book review on another blog about this book. Love your tablescape to go along with it and, I love the chocolate plates. Just wondering if those are my Ethel M's -- there is a possibility that I might be up your way this weekend, but the question is will there be any Ethel M's left? I do not store chocolate, but I should! It sure is a comfort food! Joni

  3. What a lovely, deliciously written post.
    How beautiful your tablescape is!
    This reads like a fairytale that I'd love to live in. Who knew chocolate bars could be so glamorous? My Mom is 82 and has lived many years eating a fat free diet. She has recently cast that aside and brags of eating a large Hersey bar almost every day. It has become her daily joy. Go Mom!!

  4. This is all simply delicious!
    The books sounds like a great read ~ need to add it to my list and your table is heavenly! Love how you put it all together.


  5. Beautiful photos and the book sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. This sounds wonderful...and the table is so beautiful..a case full of chocolate? Too dreamy!!! (The Rose cake below..what a beauty!) ;D

  7. Jacqueline, I'm so happy to see your post a review for CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE. Beautiful from start to finish. Love, love, love those script plates. Something about pink and brown combo that makes my heart sing. I don't think I'll ever see a Hershey bar without thinking about Mrs. Park. Loved reading this book! ~ Sarah

  8. Love the brown and pink Jacqueline, fun plates! And of course the goodies look pretty amazing too... I've read a few reviews of this book and it seems that everyone really enjoyed it:@)

  9. You mean "chocolate for tought". Just a look at the open hershey bar and I could imagine the taste of one of those yummy rectangles.

  10. great review, and the book sounds like one that i ned to read! Thanks for the ned for chocolate right now :) anne

  11. I read some reviews of the book and it seems as though many enjoy it.

    Love the dishes and the display of chocolate. Fun.

  12. Pretty, pretty, pretty!!!!!!! I admit to not eating chocolate, but I do love the smell SO much!!! It's one of those fragrances that just makes you your mouth, not in your hand! :-) This is such a pretty table setting, and the chocolate plates are super!!!!!!!! I wonder if they make plates like that that say "macaroni & cheese"? ;-) I love your glassware, too! The color is just perfect...looks absolutely pink in this instance!

  13. Thank you for your wonderful review of this book. I have seen the book but have not made the effort to buy it. It was a familiar title but I have passed it by. After reading your lovely post, I'll be rushing to Barnes & Nobel this weekend to purchase my copy. Sally xxx

  14. Oh Wow!! I love chocolate and this tablescape is divine! My mom is a chocolatier and I just did a post using some of her product. I have got to have some of your pink plates!! Where did you find thoem? I am very intrigued by this book!! Sounds like a winner!


  15. I'll add this volume to my book shelf. After all, chocolate is one of the four major food groups...right? One cannot pay too much attention to chocolate. Love the rug integrated into the table design from beneath the table. This is eye candy in the truest since of the word! Cherry Kay

  16. OK. I'm sold. If your write-up didn't do the job, your table setting did. Love the plate!

  17. Oh I was SO hoping you would join in the fun~ this is the PERFECT book for you! I love your suit case packed with Hershey Bars :) What drool worthy script plates~ I agree with Sarah about the pink & brown~ and your Royal Crown goblets are beautiful! This was such a delicious and mouth-watering read~ it's so fun to eat along with the pages~ I'm anxious to try their House Truffle too :)

  18. I guess I will have to read that book as so many have posted about it.
    I will wait till after Lent, though, or I will be eating chocolate with every chapter!
    I just finished Grisham's The Litigator, and The Help. My eyeballs are bleary. Now I am starting Jan Karon's Home in the Hills. I loved her Mitford series. Blogging definitely cuts into reading!
    Have a good weekend, J!

  19. Love the beautiful purple goblets. How can any book with chocolate in it not be wonderful?

  20. I ate a giant chocolate bar last night (and I'm supposed to be dieting). So naturally when I saw this photo at TT, I clicked on it immediately! What a fun post. I must read that book for vicarious chocolate.

  21. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I cannot wait to read this book! Your table is lovely and I adore the plates, goblets and divine confections on each plate. Your blog is wonderful and I enjoy visiting often.
    Now, to go order the book!

  22. Chocolate, how is it possible to resist anything with chocolate and you've got it all going in your very clever and creative presentation. As always, I enjoy dropping in for a visit.

  23. Your table is gorgeous, and the books sounds delicious. I will check it out.

    Thanks for the link.

  24. Oh Jacqueline, I may have told you this before, but I do believe you could even present a bag of onions so beautifully that we would want to eat all of them. Fabulous, fabulous photos. I don't need any impetus to crave chocolate, but this really was like a dream. xo

  25. Oh I'm so happy you got my giveaway gift already, almost for Valentine's, lol! I'm so very glad you liked it, wish I could have sent it filled with great teas, but it's prohibited because of the drug trafficking...oh well. Chocolates are sooo delish, wish I had some, but I'm on a diet. Your table is beautiful and the books sound terrific too. Thanks for sharing all this with us. Hope you had an incredible Lovers Day!

  26. Oh yum! Love that pink and chocolate plate. What could be more perfect?

    - The Tablescaper

  27. Hi Jacqueline
    I'll add this to my list of books to order for my new ereader, which I love. There is no problem for me to have some chocolate on hand while reading.

  28. Jacqueline,

    OMG your post is so GORGEOUS...what other than CHOCOLATE can stop traffic, stop us in our steps, calm our nerves and make us SMILE? What a beautiful book this is and really, even in this economy, some things LIKE CHOCOLATE still sell. Your tablescapes are magnificent. Have you ever thought of doing them professionally, or do you already?????

    THANK YOU FOR VISITING and commenting on my dear husband's smile. I have always loved his smile so much and how he gets crow feet on his eyes when he smiles. Oh, if I had a son, I would have wanted him to look just like his dad. Oh well......

    PEACE AND BEAUTY TO YOU, and enjoy all the chocolate you can!!! Anita

  29. What a 'sweet' post and the book and Park sisters sound wonderful. I subscribe to the 1/2 ounce of dark chocolate a day :)

  30. Well, you sure have MY mouth watering for CHOCOLATE!!!! I will get a piece right away. Your table is gorgeous, as always. LOVE the chocolate dishes and the glasses from your sister are perfect. Love the roses as well. It is good to be back home! XO, Pinky

  31. In complete awe of this amazing chocolate post.

  32. Charming post!!! The book sounds intriguing and the chocolates LOOK wonderful! The world is a better place for chocolate!!!!

  33. All the chocolate & PINK is just GLORIOUS, Jacqueline! Your goblets from your sweet sister are beautiful & when you add in those fun plates & luscious roses, I'm in heaven!

    Very nice review, too. I've got the book beside my chair but I keep falling asleep every time I sit down. :/


  34. A chocolate tablescape? Can't get much better than that! I will definitely have to look into this book! Thanks for the info. and your beautiful table! LOVE the chocolate filled suitcase:) Yep, long live chocolate!!!

  35. Yum! All that chocolate makes me want a bowl full! The book sounds great!
    Love your little table setting! The dessert looks divine!

  36. Well, can you guess what I am wanting right now?? This was a beautiful post about an amazing story with hopefully the happiest of endings.
    ♥, Susan

  37. yippee i can finally see your pics, and girl, chocolate is always worth waiting for! i love your luggage shot, oolala thats perfect!

    i am so happy you joined in, i love seeing what catches everyones eyes, they said it best chocolate and books, it doesn't get any better! thanks for playing, look forward to you jumping in again soon!

  38. Heart attack central! I could never surround myself with this delicious chocolate, I would be tempted every second I walked by

  39. Wow! Your tablecloth is stunning together with those chocolates! Its color and designs reveals its glory and it's perfectly matching the entire dinner wares! So dramatic and stunning - as always!

    Satin Tablecloths

  40. I know this is an older post, but I loving looking at old posts. Ironic, KOREA!!!! so much fun. And chocolae! Just your Alley! Hugs to you, hope all the wildness is fun, I know how you are getting things done. Lord First and then help arrives for everything else! You GO girl!


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