Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Whole Wheat Bread - Debbiedoos Magazine Copy Cat Challenge

(Magazine covered created by Jacqueline -
no affiliation with Southern Living Magazine.)

Debbie at Debbiedoos is having a magazine
copy cat challenge.

This entry comes from a photo class I
took to improve my food photography
skills.  (I am still working on that!)  The
photo class was from Nicole Hill Gerulat.
Nicole does some online classes and also
travels and does classes.  Last year she offered
a photo class in France (alas I couldn't go!)

We had to produce a magazine cover
using our photography and make it
look just like one of their real magazines
using copy and style.  I decided to
make a recipe and turn it into a
magazine cover.

This is my whole wheat bread recipe that is my
very favorite.  My kids used to say,
  "Make the whole wheat
bread that tastes like white!"

My mother used to bake bread every Saturday
and we would stand by her side, practicing
kneading and make little loaves.

Let me tell you, her whole wheat bread
was never that great, but she didn't have
the incredible wheat mills and mixers
that are available today.  That is part of
the secret of this bread.

that I bought
from Bosch.  I think they sell a different one
now, but their mills are amazing and you can
make 100% whole wheat bread that is as light
and fluffy as bread made with half white.

My Favorite Whole Wheat Bread Recipe

In heavy duty mixer bowl place
3 heaping C. whole wheat flour
2 T. bread yeast (I use SAF)
1 T. dough enhancer (gluten - if you
can't find that use 1 egg white)
2 T. sugar
2 T. oil
1 tsp. salt

scant 1 1/2 C. warm water.  
Let the mix knead with the bread dough hook
for about 5-10 minutes.  Cover and let rise until
double - about 1 1/2 hours.  Shape into a loaf
and let rise in a greased pan.

TRICK TO BREAD - get down on the eye level
of the bread pan.  The bread should have risen
about 1 to 1 1/2 inches (the size of your knuckle)
above the top of the pan.

Bake in a pre-heated oven for 30-40 minutes.
Remove from pan and let cool on a cooling rack.

I like to butter the top of the bread like my
mom used to.

 (Another shot without all of the pretend
magazine cover material.)

Can you tell the cool weather is here?  I am
baking breads again - my form of nesting!

I will be posting this at


  1. Perfect pic Jacqueline and the bread sounds amazing! I love Fall, it's so nice to be able to start baking again:@)

  2. Right down to the silver in the corner. Great job and that bread sounds delicious.

  3. Excellent job. I will not be letting my male model out the door tonight, as if he sees this he will be heading to Utah, lickity split. So fun to have start to follow too.

  4. You Rock girl! You did an amazing job! That is pretty neat that you had done this for a photography class as well! I have wanted to take a class myself, however never got around to it, and I am learning as I go. I must take 100 pictures before I decide which ones to post. I appreciate your participation very much. Enjoy the party! You really did a fantastic job, and so inspiring. The bread made my mouth water!

  5. Now, I want those cinnamon roll pancakes I just spotted.

    What you are on Pinterest too. Well, that's my latest favorite. Off to follow there too.

  6. I am HUGELY impressed, J. This is fabulous. xx's

  7. Wow your photography class sure shows in this,looks fantastic.

  8. This is just fantastic. Just as beautiful as the magazine.
    And, my mouth is so watering for some homemade bread.:)

  9. Your photography is beautiful and that bread looks delicious!

  10. It looks so good..can't wait to make the spirals first though:)

    the photos are terrific and I applaud you taking classes!

    I don't get Pinterest:( I've tried. U must be a whiz.

  11. Perfect copy cat! I think I can smell the bread baking, I would love to put some butter on a piece of that! I love Debbie's copy cat parties, nice to see what everyone's copied!

  12. Wow, that is an amazing picture. Your bread recipe sounds amazing too.

    I really should take some classes like you are. It sounds like a great idea.

    Take care and best wishes,

  13. Yum! What an absolutely perfect copycat! I can almost smell the bread baking! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Nice job with the photo! It looks delicious. Now I have a craving for hot homemade bread. Guess I know what I'll be doing.

  15. Thanks for your cute comment today. I'm glad you liked all of the Halloween posts. It's one of my favorite things - could you tell?

    I like your magazine cover! What fun.

    Gordon Gossip

  16. I'll just slather on the butter and have a slice!

  17. It is getting cooler in Idaho now, too, and I am spending more time in the kitchen. Your recipe will be tested tomorrow. It looks great.

    Can you do a blog and teach us what Pinterest is? I don't get it.

    Thanks, Tawnya H

  18. Never mind.... I just read the Cinnamon Roll Pancake post and got the Pintrest information. You are the best, and a step ahead of us!

    Thanks, Tawnya H

  19. Those look like I could reach out and grab a piece.. Great Copy Cat~! and thanks for the recipe.

  20. Oh the pictures are beautiful and the bread looks delicious!!! I don't have a bread maker and have never made bread! Wish I was your neighbor:):) XO, pinky

  21. Well.....you got me on that one!!! Looks like the real thing. Your bread looks perfect and I know it is delicious!!!! Your photography is wonderful.
    Katherine S.

  22. No question about it, your mock mag looks like the real deal!

    PS - I'm a butter on top of the bread fan too.

  23. Your bread is gorgeous, like everything you make! :)

  24. Your bread looks perfect! It really could be on a magazine cover! I've been cooking more too, which is good because I love it but bad because I eat it!!

    I think it is funny how bloggers all over the country are all burned out on summer this year. It was simply too hot everywhere! I'm thinking that jeans, sweaters and boots are sounding pretty good!

  25. Fantastic- looks just like the cover!

    One question: how do you use egg white as a dough enhancer instead of gluten? Does it affect the consistency (ie- do you need to add more flour?). I'd love to find something other than adding more gluten!


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