Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Magic Is In The Air - The Return Of The Fairies

Just a little warm weather and
the fairies have moved back
at Purple Chocolat Home.

If you go out early in the morning
and are very very still you might
be able to see them.

They love collecting the dew from
the flowering thyme

and tending their elaborate

and overseeing the herb garden.

This little gentleman 
keeps the pesky snails
under control while
patrolling the entire

Magic exists everywhere
in the Fairy Garden.

I know they help everything
to grow more beautifully.

But the greatest magic
of all that exists in my fairy garden....

Is seeing the magical twinkle
in the eyes of my grandchildren
as they delight in the fairies.

Two little granddaughters
could not wait to put out
the fairy houses to encourage
the fairies to return!

The magic will be shared

Oops, I forgot to mention
that the fairy houses are
built by Home Goods/TJ Maxx
and garden shops,
and the fairies hail from boutiques,
garden shops and the first one with
the cute stockings was from Wal Mart
years ago.


  1. I believe too..
    You have a whimsical and wonderful collection~
    You do have a fairytale life:)So nice you appreciate it!

  2. Good morning Jacqueline...oh how I believe...I BELIEVE!!! I believe in purple (blueberries are my favorite edible purple) and I do, I DO I DO believe in chocolate, for I mix the TWO together every morning in my Vanilla Greek Yogurt from Trader Joes and as far as the faeries? I look for them every day in my imagination. Today I spent some time in my garden and lo and behold, I saw a bunny pop his head out of the shrubbery; I do believe he had wings!

    Thank you again for the link to the cake source; her site is now right under the photo...MERCI! Anita

  3. whimsical and perfect in every way!

  4. Now this is my kind of post!PERFECT.

  5. Very pretty Jacqueline! I'm sure the kids were thrilled to help out:@)

  6. I love this! I am having a "DOH" moment right now. I was trying to think of a "theme" for the flower beds while trying to figure where I would put a fairy garden for the Bitty one. Thanks for the inspiration! Yours is just gorgeous!

  7. I love your little fairies..how fun to place them everywhere in the flowers, makes me want to b e a kid again! :D

  8. Magical! Enchanting. I love the fairies. I am sure the kiddos were delighted to make it all happen. You are soo very creative. I want to be a fairy in your garden!

  9. so cut, i knew monique would b delighted too, two peas in a pod with their fairies~

  10. I just know that there are ferries in our woods, but perhaps we don't see them because there are no houses for them. I'll have to remedy that before the grandchildren visit.

  11. Magic is definitely in the air in your garden!

  12. What lucky fairies, getting to hang out in your amazing garden!

  13. How cute. It's like a little wonderland. By the way, I just made your chocolate yeast bread tonight with dried cherries instead of the chocolate chips. It was awesome. I'll definitely be posting it in the future.

  14. I had to come back to tell you,no that was not a real photo of my Greatgrandmother eating watwemelon HEEHEE-

  15. I'm a believer so I'm holding my breath and treading lightly, so as not to disturb the fairies! I so love them scattered among your flowering thyme! Thanks for sharing the magic :-)

  16. I'll try to be verrry quiet...What a lovely habitation of fairies you have there :) Your grandchildren must love seeing them.

  17. I love them! We have many hidden treasures in our gardens, but no fairies...YET!

  18. I must not get up early enough. . .
    the fairies have vanished by the
    time I get outside!
    Thanks for sharing yours.

  19. Oh, what a wonderful post, Jacqueline. There is definitely magic in your garden. Your fairy collection is whimsical and lovely.

  20. A whimsical and magical post! Oh, how I wish the fairies would visit my garden...I will need to get some fairy houses to entice them!
    Hugs, Beth

  21. Jacqueline,
    I have also twinkle in my eyes
    I would like to be a papillon
    So I visit your fairy garden
    and see every thong and enjoy with all of this magical "fées"
    Thank you

  22. As we were talking the other night, I think Talley was exploring the fairy garden -- I should have taken a peak. I am sure the girls, and the boys love them. Joni

  23. Your fairy garden is so magical. What a great place to ponder the wonderful thing in life.


  24. So whimsical, so fun, so full of imagination.

    Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  25. Marvelous work!! Happy Wednesday!!

  26. Another believer here! I love fairies. You have a wonderful collection.


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